Young and Innocent

You know, I'm quite lost without

Ask them to delay the procedure
for me a little while, will you?

I shan't be able to read my notes
We mustn't be depressed on a
day like this, must we?

Hold on a minute, the other case
has just finished

Yes, yes, well, we needn't go
into that

Mrs. Bessons, do you really want
a separation order?

Oh, no, Sir, but I don't him
to carry on

Mr. Bessons, will you promise me
to behave yourself in future?

Aye, I will, Sir.
Maybe I were a bit hasty

Well, I shall bind you over to
keep the peace for six months

Sir, can't you make it eight
months to carry me over Christmas?

-No, that'll do.
-Next case, please

-Come straight home
-I'm off to see an old pal

Yes, your old pals at King's

Hold it!
Look here, this is the wrong man!
The prisoner has escaped!
-The prisoner has escaped?

Your Worship, l...
