Young and Innocent

I suppose you're staying with the
Burgoynes, Mr...

Not exactly, quite near...
That's a large family, I've never
known how many they are but...

...l suppose you find it rather
difficult to...

Yes, I'm not too sure myself
Erica, I'm so sorry, I didn't
quite catch your friend's name

-Beechcott Manningtree
-Oh, really?

That's a extraordinary name,
isn't it?

I don't think I've ever come
across it before

Come along, Erica
Let's go now
We can't, they'll start thinking

I started thinking things
long ago

Be quiet
Love calls but once though

-Steady, old girl
-I'll read it out

You must leave things like that
to me, Harold

It was my motto
-Ah, the ice is here
-In the nick of time

Auntie, we really ought to be

-Yes, I really think we should
-Yes, yes, of course

Would you mind picking these
ices for me, please?

Oh, certainly, of course.
Are they strawberry?

Yes, the red's strawberry and the
white's vanilla, you see

It's a nice young man, Erica.
Has your father known him long?

-Not very
-What does he do for a living?

-A sort of a clerk, I believe
-Oh, in what?

Advertising. He makes up

What a very uncommon name!
What did you say it was?

-Beechtree Manningcott.
-I didn't see you

Would you just take those ices to
those nurses over there for me?

What a very sweet Erica is, don't
you think so Mr... Croft?

Yes, awfully nice
Have you known Colonel Burgoyne

Oh, yes, years and years
Your work must be very

My work?
Yes, Erica's just been talking to
me about it

-Oh, yes, of course.
-Do you like it?

So many young men of today
dislike their work

Oh, I love it, I find it very

But it must be awfully difficult
to strike the right note

Well, at first, perhaps, but of
course you need a good ear

I should have thought the eye
would be much more important

Yes, that's important, certainly
but I can read at sight now
