Bringing Up Baby

- He's hungry. We've got to feed him.
- I can't help that.

What, Alice, dear?
No, it's somebody on the line.

- Keep quiet, Susan.
- You've got to help. This can't wait.

If the people in this house hear him...
they'll think something terrible
has happened.

Susan, get off the line, please...
Hello, Alice.

What? I don't know what time it is!
When you hear the tone,
the time will be 7:37 and one quarter.

Susan, please!
Alice, I can't hear you.
When you hear the tone,
the time will be 7:40.

When you hear the tone,
the time will be 7:40 and one half.

When you hear the tone,
the time will be 7:41.

Pardon me. The time is 8:10.
When you hear the tone, the time will be...
No. My watch shows 8:10 and a quarter.
Who are you?
Who am I? I'm 8:10...
I'm Major Horace Applegate.

- What do you want?
- Mrs. Random invited me for dinner.

Would you please find out
if she still wants me?

She's hung up.
So am I.
Why, Horace, what are you doing?
Are you coming in or going out?

He's coming in to dinner.
- How do you do? I'm Susan Vance.
- How do you do, Miss Susan?

- Hello, Elizabeth.
- You're much too big to swing on gates.

- I found that out.
- Susan, where are you going?

I'm just going out.
You should be watching George,
not playing with telephones...

Excuse me.
George is fast asleep in my room.
Now come here, young man,
and don't be afraid.

- You look much better in those clothes.
- Thank you.

- I want you to meet Mr. Bone.
- How do you do, Mr. Bone?

No. You're Mr. Bone.
This is Major Applegate.

Yes, I'm Major Applegate.
At least, I'm pretty sure I am.

That is, I was this morning.
There must be some mistake.
No mistake. I've known Major Applegate
for 20 years. Haven't I, Horace?
