Bringing Up Baby

as I'm sure you'll all agree...
or do you, Mr. Bone?
Have you ever been...
Pardon me. So sorry.

Have you ever been in Arabia, Mr. Bone?
I said, "Have you ever been in Arabia?"
I suppose you've spent
most of your time in Africa?

- Tibet, perhaps?
- No.

- Malay Peninsula, perchance?
- Excuse me.

At least that got a rise out of him.
You see, you shouldn't have mentioned
the Malay Peninsula.

He was horribly clawed there by a tiger.
He doesn't like talking about it.

I had a gun bearer once
who was clawed by a tiger.

He... The poor...
I was just telling Major Applegate
that you were clawed by a tiger...

in the Malay Peninsula.
I've never been there.
You've never... Well, no matter.
What type of gun do you use
in hunting tigers, Mr. Bone?

I personally use a bolt-action Mauser
with a very large bore.

Excuse me.
Susan, imagine giving a dinner party
with your husband stalking...

like Hamlet's ghost all through the meal.
Give me patience.
No, this is too much. I can't stand it.
We were talking about the jungle
while you were away, Mr. Bone.

- My soup is gone.
- It was cold.

Digging trenches.
Blaming it on an innocent dog.

Nothing but a heap of nonsense.
Enough to drive a man crazy.
And then they say,
"Keep away from the bottle. Don't drink."

No, not even a wee drop
to steady a man's nerves.
