
Placid was lovely, Father.
I met a young man up there.
He's coming to lunch today.

His name is Case. Johnny Case.
-I'm going to marry him, Father.

Did I understand you to say....
And who may Johnny Chase be?
-Case, Father, not Chase.
-Well, then, Case.

Will you please tell me....
Marry? Did you actually say that?
Charming service.
-A lovely service.
-Thank you.

-We shall have to talk at once, Julia.

You haven't as yet told me
one intelligent fact about this....

Johnny? He's a man with a definite future.
He's with Sloan and Hobson.

-Indeed? I know Sam Hobson.
-You do?

Hello, Julia.
Hello, Marjorie. You look well.
-A mild, lovely Sunday, Edward.

-Did you have a little accident, Ned?
-So they say.

I don't seem to have been there
when it happened.

-Good morning.
-Good morning.

Good morning.
Kindly put your hat on, Ned.
I believe I see Mr. Hobson now.
-Run along home.
-Yes, Father.

Take your time, Father.
The front door this time.
Miss Julia has not returned
from church yet, sir.

I'll walk around the block.
-You're expected in the playroom, sir.

Miss Linda asked that you be sent up
the moment you arrived, sir.

Miss Linda.
-The playroom is on the fourth floor, sir.
