
Okay. Alley.
It's Father. He's home. Come on, Johnny.
-What about the flip thing?

Linda and I will go down and talk to him.
You go with Ned.

-You're not supposed to have arrived yet.

-When do I arrive?

And please change that tie.
Ned will tell you exactly
when to put in an appearance.

This is getting very complicated,
if you ask me.

Nobody asked you. Now go on.
Do as you're told. Stop it.

Go on, Case. Don't expect simplicity here.
Just think of Fifth Avenue frontage.

Lend him a tie, Ned.
-You do like him, don't you?
-She asks me if I like him.

Dear girl, do you realize that life
walked into this house this morning?

Darling, don't let him get away.
It'll be the same old story, of course.
-I'm being married for my money.
-That's always flattering, isn't it?

What's the use of all we've got
unless to get us a superior type of man?

Linda, I hate you to talk like that.
But, Julia, seriously he's like spring.
He's like a breath of fresh air.

Do you know what he called this place?
A museum.

Julia, here's your chance.
That's just it.
I want Father to see that Johnny
has the same qualities Grandfather had.

You don't know Johnny.
You don't know how far
he's come already and from what.

-Or where he's going.
-I do.

I know, I can see it as clear as day.
If it does go through all right,
when are you going to announce it?

-Right away. Next Saturday.
-Darling, let me give a party for it.

Now look,
Father is to have nothing to do with it.

Saturday is New Year's Eve.
Julia, let's have some fun
in this house before you leave it.

-lf Father doesn't mind.
-No ifs at all. And just a few people.

Just your friends and Johnny's
and up in the old playroom.

Let me plan it. Let me give it.
Let me do something for you once.
Me, Julia.

I'd love it darling, really I would.
No, but you see,
this is awfully important to me now.

Now no one must touch my party but me,
do you hear?

All right, darling.
Now if they do, I won't come to it.
