Drums Along the Mohawk

It seems impossible that people can
work as hard as we did for nothing.

We can build it back again.
We still have the land.

You think I'd let you come back
and go through all that again?

You were right that first night.
You shoulïve gone home then.
I was a fool not to see it.

I shouldn't have brought you here
in the first place.

This is no place for you,
is no place for any woman.

I'm not the only woman
who's gone through this.

What will we do?
How will we live?

Adam says that Mrs. McKlennar's
hired man ran off

and she's looking for a couple
to work her place.

But, Lana, you can't hire out,
a girl like you. Do you think...?

It wouldn't have to be for long.
Just until we made enough
to come back here.

Lana, you can't do it.
It won't do any harm
just to talk it over with her.

Hired help. No!

Mrs. McKlennar!
