
However many questions you ask,
you never expect an answer.

Don't you find that restfuI?
-Good morning, darIing.
-Good morning.

-Why didn't you come Iast night?
-I was Iooking after your interests.

Did you win?
We can forget horse racing,
rouIette, everything.

Our worries are over.
You remember the pIatinum watch
with the diamond numbers?

You'II be in a position
to give it to me now.

DarIing, you're so good to me.
We couId be rich, if you say the word.
-I had dinner with the Guizots Iast night.
-Those awfuI newspaper peopIe.

You'd be surprised
how many nice peopIe dine with them.

What a gruesome proof
of the power of the press.

I soId Monsieur Guizot the idea
of pubIishing your memoirs...

-in the Gazette Parisienne.

''The Life and Loves of the
Grand Duchess Swana of Russia. ''

We won't have to worry about our future
if you're wiIIing to raffIe off your past.

Come in.
Count Rakonin asks the priviIege
of a few words, Your Highness.

-He's a waiter at the CIarence, poor deviI.

-You know him.

TeII him I won't be abIe to see him
for haIf an hour.

The Count says if it couId be
as soon as possibIe.

It's Iuncheon time,
and he is between courses.

AII right, I'II see him right away.
-I can't get myseIf right today--
-Count Rakonin's between courses.

My IittIe VoIga boatman.
-How do you do, my friend? Won't you sit?
-Your Highness.

-Your Highness, forgive this intrusion--
-Have you Iost your job?

No, madame.
Something of the utmost importance.

-It concerns your jeweIs.
-My jeweIs?

I remember one birthday of His Majesty,
our beIoved Czar...

I had the honor of being on guard
at his paIace.

I stiII see you bending before His Majesty.
You wore your diadem and a neckIace.
But why do you bring this up now?
They are here. Your jeweIs, here in Paris.
AIexis, do you know what you're saying?
This morning, three Soviet agents arrived.
I overheard a teIephone conversation
with Mercier, the jeweIer.

-They're going to seII them.
-Did I hear something about jeweIs?

Rakonin has just given me
the most amazing news.

You know Count d'AIgout.
I must caII my Iawyer at once.

-I'm sorry, Your Highness. I have to Ieave.
-I'II get in touch with you.
