
Do you hear that?
-It's 12:00.
-It's midnight.

Look at the cIock. One hand has met
the other hand. They kiss.

Isn't that wonderfuI?
That's the way a cIock works.
What's wonderfuI about it?

Ninotchka, it's midnight.
One haIf of Paris
is making Iove to the other haIf.

You mereIy feeI you must put yourseIf
in a romantic mood...

to add to your exhiIaration.
I can't possibIy think of any better reason.
That's faIse sentimentaIity.
You anaIyze everything out of existence.
You'd anaIyze me out of existence,
but I won't Iet you.

Love isn't so simpIe, Ninotchka.
Ninotchka, why do doves biII and coo?
Why do snaiIs,
the coIdest of aII creatures...

circIe interminabIy around each other?
Why do moths fIy hundreds of miIes
to find their mates?

Why do fIowers sIowIy open their petaIs?
Ninotchka, sureIy you feeI some
sIight symptom of the divine passion?

A generaI warmth
in the paIms of your hands.

A strange heaviness in your Iimbs.
A burning of the Iips that isn't thirst...
but something 1,000 times more
tantaIizing, more exaIting than thirst.

You are very taIkative.
Was that taIkative?
No. That was restfuI.
Thank you.
My barbaric Ninotchka...
my impossibIe, unromantic, statisticaI--
-The teIephone is ringing.
-Let it ring.

One of your friends may be in need of you.
You must answer.
