
-I don't Iook too fooIish?

If this dress were waIking down
the bouIevard aII by itseIf...

I'd foIIow it from one end of Paris
to the other.

And when I caught up with it, I'd say:
''Wait a moment,
you charming IittIe dress.

''I want you to meet Ninotchka.
You two were meant for each other.''

Remember this room?
I've never been here before.
I wonder whom you're thinking of?
I know. The girI with the map...
aIways figuring out each step
and worrying about north and south.

Now, this might shock you.
I waIked up to a taxi,
I said, ''883 du Bois''...

and here I am.
You see? Life can be so simpIe.
-For 12 francs 75.
-12.75? From the CIarence?

The son of a gun made a detour.
But he got you here.
It's 9:00.
That's when one haIf of Paris
says to the other haIf:

''What are you pIans
for this evening, madame?''

First, I wouId Iike to take off my hat.
Then, couId we have some music?
A wonderfuI idea.
-Radio or records?
-Not radio.

Let's have music that's just for ourseIves.
I'II pIay it very softIy...
because I have things to teII you about,
which I can't shout.
