Only Angels Have Wings

- Look...
- Cut it out, Les.

Hey, did you know the Kid
was working down here?

- What?
- He is.

I don't think there's anything funny
about that.

You're right, there isn't.
But I had to come a long way
to find it out.

- Of all the cast-iron crust.
- Don't flatter me.

What's the Kid got to do with it?
Nothing, except it was the Kid's
younger brother that was killed...

when this guy took
to his parachute.

- I've had enough of this.
- Me, too.

Elena, we're gonna move.
Coming, Geoff?
- No, this is good enough for me.
- Not so particular, huh?

I don't think even you
can spoil good liquor.

Thanks. I'm not used
to these small favors.

I'm sorry I said it. I'm not used
to being around people like you.

Here it goes.
That's the Kid coming in now.

Quiet, Dutch.
You better make yourself scarce.

For your information,
the Kid carries a gun.

- Aren't you getting careful of me?
- I'm not worrying about you.

It'll be inconvenient for me
if they slap the Kid in the hoosegow.

I have to meet him sooner or later.
Maybe you're right.
Well, it's your funeral.

All passengers aboard the boat.
I remember.
It was Puerto Rico.

So long.
Whew! It's hot on the ground.
Give me some cold water.

Who's got a match?
What's the matter?
It's like walking in a graveyard.
Hello! You the new guy?
Welcome to our city.
