Only Angels Have Wings

Why do you think the new trimotor
is still at the dock?

I did wonder about that.
Look, Kid, here it is.
Dutchy made an agreement.

He'd get a long contract
and a subsidy.

You know what that would mean?
Plenty of money around here.

No more secondhand junk to fly,
no more pass to monkey with.

These new jobs can get over the top
of those peaks in any kind of weather.

That would be nice.
- When did the schedules start?
- Six months ago.

- Then you're...
- Only one more week.

Or until the northbound boat arrives.
That's why you've
been forcing things, huh?

Why didn't you tell a fella?
- Dutchy.
- Dutchy? How?

He was afraid if you guys knew
the spot he was in...

you'd take unnecessary chances.
What a guy.
You were right about my eyes.
I couldn't read those cards.
I learned it by heart.
What about the new one?
Dutchy told me where you hid it.
The old fool.
Double-crossing himself.

He wasn't thinking about that.
He was thinking how you'd feel
grounding me.

You're through flying, Kid.
After 22 years.
Well, I guess that's long enough
for anybody.

You're gonna need that Kilgallen,
aren't you?
