The Women

- Weren't you having a good time that day?
- I was getting homesick for you.

Until your grandmother broke it up.
You're pretty in that picture, Mother,
with the book in front of your face.

The show is over.
- Homesick for me or for Daddy?
- For Sheba.

If Sheba would have been along,
you would have stayed the full four weeks?

- Of course.
- Your music teacher is here.

Thanks. Don't put the machine away yet.
I want to run them for Daddy.

I ran them for him last night.
I bet he wished he was there
when he saw you catch that fish.

- Yes, I bet he did.
- We missed you so while you were gone.

- Daddy and I.
- Did you?

Yes. He finally had to take me to the zoo
to cheer me up.

- A fine compliment to me.
- I didn't mean it that way, Mother.

You're better than all the lions,
tigers and elephants in the whole world.

- Bless you.
- I saw Mrs. Potter at the zoo that day.

Who was she visiting with? The snakes?
Actually she was.
Mrs. Potter said she and Auntie Sylvia
would call you up that evening in Bermuda.

- You didn't tell me they called you up.
- Didn't I?

They hadn't said anything worth reporting.
- Mademoiselle is waiting, Mary.
- Bother. Goodbye, Grandma.

I'll give you a lesson some day
with the camera.

Mary, is that why
we hurried home ahead of time?

Why, we hurried?
Was it something those women said
to you when they called you up?

Of course not. You're so suspicious.
I'm happy we came home when we did.

Stephen has spent every evening with me
since I got back.

- Are you really happy, dear?
- Divinely.

Look me in the eye.
- Now say it again.
- I'm divinely happy.

Mrs. Potter called. She said
she'd see you at the fashion show.
