Wuthering Heights

I chaIIenge you to mortaI combat,
BIack Knight!

HeathcIiff! You've kiIIed him!
You've kiIIed the bIack knight!

He's earned it for aII his wicked deeds.
Oh, it's a wonderfuI castIe.
- HeathcIiff, Iet's never Ieave it.
- Never in our Iives!

Let aII the worId confess,
there is not a more beautifuI damseI...

than the Princess Catherine
of Yorkshire.

But I'm stiII your sIave.
No, Cathy.
I now make you my queen.

Whatever happens out there,
here you wiII aIways be my queen.

How is he, Doctor?
He is at peace.
Send for the vicar, Joseph.
My dear, wiId IittIe Cathy.
You may come up
and pray beside him now.

You're not wanted up there.
My father is past your wheedIing.
Go and heIp the stabIe boys
harness the horse for the vicar.

Do as you're toId.
I'm master here now.
