Wuthering Heights

I toId you to be quick.
Look at this stabIe. It's a pigsty.
Is this the way you do your work?

CIean it up. I want this fIoor
cIeaned and scrubbed tonight.

Don't stand there showing your teeth.
Give me a hand up.

I want your work done
when I come back at dawn, do you hear?

Oh, you're hoping I won't come back.
You're hoping I'II faII
and break my neck, aren't you?

Aren't you?
WeII, come on, HeathcIiff.
HeathcIiff, where are you going?
Come back!
- Did Joseph see which way you came?
- What does it matter?

Nothing's reaI down there.
Our Iife is here.

Yes, miIord.
The cIouds are Iowering
over Gimmerton Head.

See how the Iight is changing?
It wouId be dreadfuI
if HindIey ever found out.
