Wuthering Heights

Why did you stay so Iong
in that house?

I didn't expect to find you here.
Why did you stay so Iong?
Why? Because I was having
a wonderfuI time.

A deIightfuI, fascinating,
wonderfuI time...

among human beings.
Go and wash your face and hands,
and comb your hair...

so that I needn't be ashamed of you
in front of a guest.

What are you doing in this part of the
house? Look after Mr. Linton's horses.

Let him Iook after his own.
- I've aIready done so.
- ApoIogize to Mr. Linton at once.

Bring in some tea, pIease.
- Cathy.
- Yes, Edgar?

I cannot understand how your brother
can aIIow that gypsy in the house.

Don't taIk about him.
How can you, a gentIewoman,
toIerate him under your roof?

A roadside beggar giving himseIf
airs of equaIity. How can you?

What do you know about HeathcIiff?
- AII I need or want to know.
- He was my friend Iong before you.

- That bIackguard?
- BIackguard and aII, he beIongs here.

Speak weII of him or get out!
- Are you out of your senses?
- Stop caIIing those I Iove names!

Those you Iove?
Cathy, what possesses you?
Do you reaIize the things you're saying?

I'm saying that I hate you.
I hate the Iook of your miIk-white face.
I hate the touch of your soft,
fooIish hands.

That gypsy's eviI souI
has got into you.

- Yes, it's true!
- That beggar's dirt is on you!

Yes! Now get out!
