Zangiku monogatari

And besides, we say good-bye it for your well.
Only it can bring problems to the family.
Why do you see it? It answers. I know sincere.

Kikunosuke, recalls your obligations
Before your adopted father.

He you there is servant and educated. If you live
Comfortably is him.

- Do Not forget it.
- Son, you are a youth and ingenuous and still...

Do not you know how is the world.
You do not we blame.

Not all they have a mind
Honest as you.

Therefore I should notify you that Otoku
Perhaps only see in you a good party.

- Otoku is not of that class.
- ¡Perhaps it deceive you!

- The women are very ready.
- ¿What will you know?

Only you know to geishas.
Otoku is not thus, is very different.

- I doubt It.
- Otoku is honest.

You do not understand it.
Is a sincere woman.

It suffices to discuss!
You move away of her!

Kikunosuke, they see.
They see.
Do I do not understand why has that
Prohibiting me that see it.

Your father does not want that
this shameful relation...

Be of public domain. Otoku is not
More than a maid and older than you.
