Christmas in July

He belongs in here
because he thinks he has ideas.

He belongs in here
until he proves himself or fails

and then somebody else
until he proves himself or fails

and so on and so on for always.
I don't know how to put it into words
like Jimmy could but...

all he wants, all any of them want,
is a... is a chance to show...

To find out what they've got
while they're still young

and... and burning like
a short cut or a stepping stone.

I know they're not gonna succeed,
at least most of them aren't.

Most of them will be
like Mr Waterbury soon enough.

But they won't mind it, they'll be happy
because they had their chance.

Because it's one thing
to muff a chance when you get it but...

it's another thing
never to have had a chance.

And his name's already on the door.
Well, if anything decided me
that would be it.

- Oh, Mr Baxter...
- You've talked enough.

The desks have already been moved
and the name is painted on, as you said.

So we'll try it for a very short time,
at no advance in salary, you understand.

- Yes, sir.
- And for a very short time.

- Yes, sir.
- This is a business, not a cultural project.

- You'll never be sorry.
- I'm sorry already, so let it go at that.

Good night and try to be on time
in the morning.

Oh... pshaw!
- Isn't it wonderful?
- You were wonderful.

- But I'm a bit leery about me.
- Don't talk like a fathead.

This is the chance of a lifetime
and you know you've got what it takes.

I didn't until I got that telegram
and now I don't know any more.

I'm like Mr Baxter, that's why I didn't speak.
Well, it brought us together
and that's something.

I got the ring to prove it,
and you can't back out now or I'd sue you.

Oh, you poor kid.
