Foreign Correspondent

I think too much when I ride alone
Yes, exactly. The Polish situation
and the Dutch treaty with the

Belgium's must be on your mind
a lot these days

What do you think that England
would do in case the Nazis...

- England is so beautifuI, it's nice
to see London in the sunshine

There is always something, rain or

I know it's August and it's pretty
good for me but, would you mind telling

me how you feel about Mr. Fisher and
his Peace Organization?

Oh, you know Mr. Fisher?
A very fine man, a good man
I wish there were more like him now

So you think there's not too much
hope for peace, I mean that

you don't think that one little
peace organization can make much

head way against the
European War panic

I would like to think so
Oh, look at those birds!
No matter how big the City gets
there must always be parks

and places for the birds to leave
I was walking through the park
this morning and I saw several

people feeding the birds
It's a good sing at a time
like this, don't you think?

Yes, but I do believe that right now
birds are the least of our problems

Your country for instance, what it
might be his attitude for this

Oh look, we're at the Savoy
How much?
A shilling
By the way, what Newspaper do you

AS a matter of fact, Mr. Van Meer
I'm not exactly a reporter but

I was trying to get you to talk but
not about birds

I gather that and what was it that
you were trying to

get me to tell you?
I was trying to find out what you
know about a general war

My boy, I feel very old and sad
