Foreign Correspondent

epithets that have been applied
to us by some who don't go as deeply

into the matter as they might,
for example...

- A woman speech is better than
man speech

I've been referred today as a group
of well meaning amateurs

Now, I'm sure that some of you here
today think of us

as such
But I would like to ask to anyone
who has called us well meaning

amateurs to stand up by his chair
and tell me just why we're any less

reliable than a professional at
a moment like this

but I won't take the time.
I think the world is been ruled by

the well meaning professionals.
We might give the amateurs

the chance now
But what I really want to is to give
you a very brief idea of just how

far reaching our amateur
plans are

Use your notes
Thank you
That's why we ask for your support
professional or amateur

What I'm here to say is that...
we should both... both of us
