My Little Chickadee

Why do you have to milk it?
My plum, a lovely bath tub.
I understand it's the only private bath
in town. I'd hate to take one in public.

My dove, with your permission...
I shall dunk my pink and white body
in yonder Roman tub.

I feel a bit gritty after the affairs of the day.
Go right ahead, honey. Help yourself.
My dove, no man was ever happier.
Yum, yum.
It is with regret that I part from you
even to bathe.

Don't forget to take off your gloves.
- Thanks for your introspection, dear.
- Don't mention it.

For the nonce, adieu...
and au revoir...
- Man overboard!
- This reminds me of the old
swimming hole when I was a nipper.

- That's where I got malaria.
What a foul summer that was.

- It was the year the Jones boys
murdered their mother.

Dear old lady. I can see her now,
carrying the laundry home on her head.

- My darling flower!
- What is it, baby?

- Baby. She calls me "baby."
- I was just thinking
how homey this all is.

Yeah, it's a nice thought.
What's your name?
Friend in need.
- What did you say, my sweet?
Just agreeing with you, honey.
