
[ Laughing ] You wouldn't be here
with me if you were.

Would you please tell me, Mr. de Winter,
why you asked me to come out with you ?

Oh, it's obvious
that you want to be kind,

but why do you choose me
for your charity ?

[ Pulls Parking Brake ]
I asked you to come out with me
because I wanted your company.

You've blotted out
the past for me more...

than all the bright
lights of Monte Carlo.

But if you think I just asked
you out of kindness or charity,

you can leave the car now
and fiind your own way home.

Go on, open the door and get out.
[ Sobbing ]
Better blow your nose.
[ Blowing Nose ]
Please don't call me Mr. de Winter.
I have a very impressive
array of fiirst names.

George Fortescue Maximilian. But you
needn't bother with them all at once.

My family call me Maxim.
And another thing.
Please promise me never
to wear black satin or pearls...

or to be 36 years old.
Yes, Maxim.
[ Mrs. Van Hopper ]
Ror the love of Pete! Come here!

What do you think ?
My daughter's engaged to be married.

- Oh, really ? How nice.
- We must leave for New York at once.

Get reservations
on the Aquitania, and we'll take
the 1 2..30 train for Cherbourg.

Hurry up and get a maid to help with
the packing. We've no time to waste.
