
Mrs. Danvers
must be furious with me.

Oh, hang Mrs. Danvers. Why on earth
should you be frightened of her?

You behave more like
an upstairs maid or something,

not like the mistress
of the house at all.

Yes, I know I do.
But I feel so uncomfortable.

I, I try my best every day,
but it's very diffiicult...

with people looking me up and
down as if I were a prize cow.

Well, what does it matter
if they do ?

You must remember
that life at Manderley...

is the only thing that
interests anybody down here.

What a slap in the eye
I must have been to them, then.

I suppose that's
why you married me.

Because you knew I was dull
and gauche and inexperienced...

and there could never be
any gossip about me.

Gossip ?
What do you mean ?

I-I don't know.
I just said it for something to say.

Don't look at me like that.
Maxim, what's the matter ?
What have I said ?

It wasn't a very attractive
thing to say, was it ?

No. It was rude, hateful.
I wonder if I did a very selfiish
thing in marrying you.

How do you mean ?
I'm not much of a companion
to you, am I ?

You don't get much fun, do you ?
You ought to have married a boy,
someone of your own age.

Maxim, why do you say this ?
Of course we're companions.

Are we ? I don't know.
I'm very diffiicult to live with.
No, you're not diffiicult.
You're easy, very easy.

Our marriage is a success,
isn't it ? A great success ?

We're happy, aren't we ?
Terribly happy.

If you don't think
we are happy,

it would be much better
if you didn't pretend.

I'll go away.
