The Grapes of Wrath

Used to be mine.
I gave it to Grandpa when I went away.

You reckon they're dead?
- I never heard nothing about it.
- (door creaks)

(man) Tommy?
- Where's my folks, Muley?
- Why, they gone.

I know they're gone,
but where are they gone?

It's Muley Graves.
You remember the preacher, don't you?

- I ain't no preacher any more.
- All right. You remember the man?

- Glad to see you again.
- Now, where are my folks?

They gone. They gone to your Uncle John's.
The whole crowd of 'em. Two weeks ago.

But they can't stay there,
cos John's got his notice to get off.

What happened?
How come they gotta get off?

We lived here 50 years, same place.
Everybody's gotta get off.
Everybody's leaving. Going out to California.

Your folks, my folks, everybody's folks.
Everybody except me. I ain't getting off!
- Who done it?
- Listen.

That's some of what done it.
The dusters. They started it, anyways.

Blowin' like this year after year.
Blowin' the land away.
Blowin' the crops away!

Blowin' us away now.
Are you crazy?
Some say I am.
You wanna hear how it happened?

That's what I'm asking you, ain't it?
Well... the way it happens,
the way it happened to me...
A man come one day...
After what them dusters done to the land,
the tenant system don't work no more.

They don't break even,
much less show profit.

One man and a tractor
can handle 12 or 14 of these places.
