The Grapes of Wrath

"This here is William James Joad.
Died of a stroke, old, old man."

"His folks buried him because
they got no money to pay for funeral... s."

"Nobody killed him.
Just a stroke and he died."

I figure best we leave
something like this on him,

'lest somebody digs him up
and makes out he was killed.

Looks like a lot of times the government's got
more interest in a dead man than a live one.

Not be so Ionesome,
knowing his name's there with him.

Notjust an old fella Ionesome underground.
Would you say a few words, Casy?
I ain't a preacher no more, you know.
We know, but ain't none of our folks
ever been buried without a few words.

I'll say 'em, make it short.
This here old man just...
lived a life and just died out of it.
I don't know whether he was good or bad.
It don't matter much.
Heard a fella say a poem once.
And he says, "All that lives is holy."
Well, I wouldn't pray
just for an old man that's dead,

cos he's all right.
If I was to pray, I'd pray for folks that's
alive and don't know which way to turn.

Grandpa here...
he ain't got no more trouble like that.
He's got his job all cut out for him,
so cover him up and let him get to it.
