The Great Dictator

First in command.
Second in command.
Oh, never mind. You!
Who told you
to hang people from lampposts?

What was the trouble?
A Jew attacking storm troopers.
- Where is he?
- There.

Break ranks.
So there you are. Stand him up.
Get up.
Don't you remember me?

- You saved my life.
- Me?

Strange. And I always thought
of you as an Aryan.

I'm a vegetarian.
Don't you remember?
We got away in my plane.

Then we crashed.
Now I remember.
Well, how are you?
What's my friend done?
He resisted my men
painting his windows.

Any brave man would resist.
I'm sorry for this.
No harm.
In future you will not
be molested again.

If you or your friends
ever need help...

Who did that?
One of my friends.
Hynkel's palace was the centre
of the world's
greatest war machine.

Behind it
was the dynamic Adenoid Hynkel,

whose genius ran the nation,
whose ceaseless activity kept him
occupied every moment of the day.
