The Letter

Oh, Robert, Robert.
It's all right.
Nobody's going to do anything to you.

Nothing's going to happen.
We have been happy, haven't we?
You've been the best wife
a man could have.

If only there was something I could do.
You can love me. That's all I need.
I've always loved you.
Yes, but now.
Leslie, darling, if I could love you any more,
I would now.

All right, darling, I'll get ready.
I don't know when anything's
impressed me so much...

:20:46 the way she told that terrible story.
You could see that she was just holding
onto herself like grim death.

I say, what a swine that man was.
Did you know Hammond?
-I knew him a little.
-Was he a heavy drinker?

I don't know that he was.
He could take his whack,
but I never saw him actually drunk.

I've heard of him,
but I never happened to meet him.

He was quite a favorite
with the ladies, wasn't he?

He was a good-looking chap. You know
the sort, very breezy, devil-may-care.

Generous with his money.
Did you like him?
He was the sort of chap
you couldn't help liking.

Could you have imagined him
doing a thing like this?

Well, how can you tell
what a man will do when he's drunk?

That's true. Well, they ought
to be ready pretty soon.

By George, that's beautiful.
You know, that's just the sort of thing
you'd expect her to do.

That was a quick change, Leslie.
I wish you'd teach Dorothy how to do it.

I wager she's faster than you,
at that.
