The Letter

I suppose I'm right in thinking that you
had no communication with Hammond...

-...for several weeks before the catastrophe.
-I'm positive of that.

The last time I saw him was at
a tennis party at the McFarrens' .

Don't suppose I said more than two
words to him.

They have two courts, you know,
and we played different sets.

-And you hadn't written to him?
-Oh, no.

Well, at one time you were on
fairly intimate terms with him.

How did it happen that you stopped
asking him to anything?

Well, we didn't have much in common,
and he's very popular, you know.

A lot of calls upon his time, and...
...well, I didn't see the necessity
of showering him with invitations.

You're quite certain that was all?
Well, I may as well tell you....
We heard about his wife.
And once, quite by chance,
I actually saw her.

You never mentioned that.

-What was she like?

She was all covered with gold chains
and bracelets and spangles...

...her face like a mask.
And it was after you knew about her
that you stopped...

-...having anything to do with Hammond?

I think I should tell you that there is
in existence a letter in your handwriting...

...from you to Geoff Hammond.
Well, I often wrote him a little note
about something or other...

...or to get me something if I heard
he was going into Singapore.

This letter asks him to come and see you
because Robert was going to be away.

But that's impossible.
You see, I never did anything of the kind.

Better read it for yourself.
-But that's not my handwriting.
-I know.

It's said to be an exact copy of one
written on the day of Hammond's death.
