The Letter

Will you read it again?
No, I don't want to.
"Robert will be away for the night.
I absolutely must see you.
I'm desperate, and if you don't come,
I won't answer for the consequences.

Don't drive up. Leslie."
Leslie, I shall have to talk
very plainly to you.

I told Robert just now that
I was certain of your acquittal.

I didn't say that just to cheer him up.
I don't believe the jury
would have left the box.

This letter places an entirely different
complexion on the whole case.

It'll put the prosecution on the track of...
...suspicions which have
entered nobody's mind.

I won't tell you what I personally thought
when I read the letter.

It's the duty of counsel
to defend his client...

...not to convict her,
even in his own mind.

I don't want you to tell me anything
but what is needed to save your neck.

They can prove that Hammond came
to your house at your urgent invitation.

I don't know what else, but if the jury
comes to the conclusion...

...that you didn't kill Hammond
in self-defense....

Mrs. Cooper!
Good heavens! What's happened?
I'm quite all right. Really, I am.
Just lie quiet and rest, Mrs. Crosbie.
She's just been too brave, poor little thing,
and not eating enough.

I feel fine now, Mrs. Cooper.
You go on about your duties.

As Mr. Joyce is here, I will.
I'll come back and see how you are.

Thank you.
Make her lie quiet, Mr. Joyce.
