The Letter

You despise me. You think Bob
well rid of me if they do hang me.

I don't despise you.
It isn't important what I feel about you,
do you understand?

I'm going to do what I can.
Bob will want to know
what the money's for.

Will it be a very large sum?
I imagine the woman has a shrewd
idea of the letter's value.

You won't have to show Bob the letter,
will you?

I'll do everything possible
to prevent him from seeing it.

He'll be an important witness.
He should be as firmly convinced
of your innocence as he is now.

And after the trial?
I'm going to try and save your life.
But if he loses his trust in me,
he loses everything.

It's strange that a man can live
with a woman for 1 0 years...

...and not know the first thing about her.
What are you doing here, Ong?
I thought perhaps there was something
further you wished me to do.

What about?
The letter, sir.
Oh, yes.
Mrs. Crosbie denies having written
anything of the sort.

It's obviously a forgery.
