The Stars Look Down

We're the ones who've got to work coking coal!
- You're going to that posh college!
- Get back where you belong!

And what am I going to do in that college?
Educate myself to fight for my own kind!

I've worked down there with you.
I've got coal dust pitted in my skin!

It won't wash out as long as I live!
I've seen what it's done to you
with your coughs and your silicosis.

It's done it to my own father!
Mr Barras!
- We've got a deputation, Mr Barras.
- Shan't be a minute, Arthur.

- All right, Father.
- Good afternoon.

- Good afternoon, Mr Barras.
- Afternoon.

- Ah, Fenwick. You got the scholarship?
- Aye.

- When do you leave?
- Today. I'm waiting for my father.

Let me know when you finish. I might
be able to get you into a council school.

- It's not schoolteaching I'm after.
- I'd like to see you get on anyway.

- You ready?
- Yes, Mr Barras.

- We shan't have any trouble now.

Hey, you!
Hey, he chose me! He chose me!
Three good shirts I'm putting in for you.
Send thy washing to a good woman.
None of their new-fangled laundries.

- Have you got another handkerchief?
- Aye, Mother.

- Making sure he's all poshed up?
- And his pit clothes will be kept posh.
