The Stars Look Down

I should be lonely if I thought
of nothing but gadding about.

All right, Mother.
- Hello, Davey. Come in.
- Jenny's expecting me. I'd better...

- How's she getting along?
- Not so bad.

- I'd like to have a talk sometime.
- Yes.

- How's things at Scupper Flats?
- Barras has nearly finished that contract.

If it's lasted three years,
it should last three more weeks.

I heard you'd soon be getting out of it.
I must be off. So long.

- So long, Mother.
- So long, Davey.

Hello, Jenny.
- What's wrong today?
- Nothing's wrong. Nothing at all.

I wish you wouldn't eat with your fingers.
I have such a wonderful life.

No maid, all the lovely housework to do.
Not even a wireless to annoy me
in the evening.

If I asked you to take me to Tynecastle
tonight, you'd be insulted.

Nothing's wrong.
We've been going out too many evenings -
even if we could afford it.
