Dive Bomber

That's good.
What happened, chum?
Did you misjudge your altitude?

It was a dive.
I couldn't pull up.
Blacked out.
Why don't you doctors
do something about that.

Yeah, why don't we. Here.
Here's the pressure
on the spine right here.

That can only be relieved
by an immediate operation.

Well, he's pretty weak
from shock and loss of blood.

There's a chance if we wait for him
to regain strength.

Wait? Of course, it's your responsibility,
but did a case ever improve by waiting?

He'll never regain consciousness unless
we go in now. I wish I wasn't so certain.

- Who's caring for Larson?
- Commander Martin, Lieutenant Lee.

- You saw him. He's still alive?
- He was, yes, sir.

I'm Larson's squadron commander.
How is he?

A concussion, possibly skull fracture.
Also, the x-rays showed a dislocated
vertebra pressing on the spinal cord here.

It's a problem of whether
to operate now or wait.

I don't wanna be insistent,
but we're wasting valuable time.

- What'll you do for him?
- Does he have family in Honolulu?

- No.
- We're his friends.

We haven't time to worry about that.
Allison's just published a complete
record of over 300 cases of cord injury.

Each single case that recovered
was operated at once.

Every minute the pressure was unrelieved
lessened the chances of recovery.

- What more can I say?
- Perhaps you're right. Come along.

Sponge. Sponge.
