Dive Bomber

- I just sign the bill "Winston C."
- Okay. Now, fill her up.

- Don't touch the motor. It's perfect.
- Nothing else, Tim?

- I'll take anything that isn't nailed down.
- How's a spot of tea?

- And a hamburger?
- Right.

Well, look here.
How are you?

Aren't you pretty.
I'm looking for a beauty contest to enter.
Next month, I go on
transatlantic bomber ferry.

Each pilot flies his own ship over,
one plane brings them back.

It's real dough. A hundred pounds' bonus
a hop, and four and five hops a month.

A thousand bucks a month?
Yeah. If any of you guys want a job,
just let me know.

Hey, what's the lowdown
on the RAF fighter squadrons?

Nobody chases ships anymore.
They're too fast.

You pick out an enemy, dive on them
and hose them with eight machine guns.

If you don't drop him down, keep going.
Look for another pushover.

Altitude's the answer.
Forty to 45,000 feet.

The guy on top wins all the marbles.
I've got to roll, Joe. Check.

Oh, no. This one's on Uncle Sam.
You mean, Uncle Joe. Okay.
Oh, hello, doctor. You remember me?
Worn-out, rundown "like the works
of an old watch"?

- Sure. How are you?
- Still flying, no thanks to you.

But I thank you
for kicking me into a better job.

I hope all of my mistakes
turn out that well.

They might if your patients get away
from you early enough. I was lucky.

I hope your luck holds, chum.
In fact, I wish you all the luck
in the world.

Well, thanks for those few kind words.
Come on, Joe. So long, sailors.
- Ninety gallons.
- Ninety gallons.

Ninety gallons,
and charge it to Winston C.

I'll smoke one of my own.
- Sort of miss the old gang, don't you?
- Yep.

The days you and Swede and I flew
together were the happiest in my life.
