Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

I'll wager my gout hurts him
more than it does me.

Does he send any news I can hear?
Oh, he just says that he walked
through the East End recently.

" I have never seen such deplorable
housing conditions.

Surely the city fathers
should find the funds to...."

Well, then he just goes on to say
about the housing conditions.

They must be pretty dreadful.
Yes, he's quite right. They're disgraceful.
I was just saying at the club before I left.

Now, there's a problem
Harry could get his teeth into.

He's just the man to....
Here, here, my dear. What's wrong?
I suppose I'm just not very interested...

...in housing conditions at the moment.
You mean because a man doesn't cover
the pages with sentiment? Nonsense.

A woman must learn to read
between the lines, my dear.

Yes, I like the tone of that letter.
And what's more, my dear, I think my gout
is getting very, very much better.

-Oh, hello, Marcia.
-Are you here alone?

Yes, yes. I just made some tea.
Come and have a cup.

Not me, nor you either. We ain't got time.
Get dressed, we're going out.

Freddie's got a young brother from Oxford.
They want another girl to make it a quartet.

He's a bit of all right too.
And we're going to the Empire.
-The Empire?
-Yes. Oh, it's ever so gay there, lvy...

...and the show is grand.
It's just where all the toffs go.
