Shadow of the Thin Man

Oh, thanks, Paul.
Saboteur. Well, you see?
Yes, Nick, I think I do.
Well, it was a good idea while we had it.

Nora, if you ever get tired of wrestling,
lend him to us, will you?

What will I wear for the wrestling?
The little girl
has never wrestled before.

They're wearing tights this season, dear.
Yeah, tights. You know.
Joe! Joe!
Oh, excuse me, lady.
Gee, that's a screwy-looking hat.

Hey, Joe!
Two, please.
Tickets for Paul Clarke.
Yes, sir.
Nick Charles, alias Paul Clarke, huh?
Hello, Macy.
Yes, Clarke's letting us use
his tickets tonight. All right with you?

Sure. I didn't know you were
a friend of Clarke's.

Oh, bosom pals. He's a smart reporter.
Is he? I never read his stuff.
You should. It's fellas like you that
help him write it. Thank you.

- Nick Charles, glad to see you.
- Oh, Mr. Stephens.

You're gonna see
some great wrestling tonight.

How do you know?
You at the rehearsal?

My mistake. Sorry, dear.
That's one of the babies
Sculley wanted me to tackle.

Which one? The man
or the fur-bearing animal?

That's right.
Study the case from all angles.

- Hello, Whitey.
- Hello, Link.

- How do you do, Miss Porter?
- How do you do?

Link, I wanna see you
about something important.

Sure. Always glad to talk to the press.
Drop up to the office later, Whitey.
Link and I got something
to talk over first.

Honey, you wouldn't mind sitting alone
for a while.

Darling, of course not.
May I see you to your seat, Miss Porter?
Big crowd tonight.
