
Yes, Lina and I were just going into that.
I have some excellent opportunities.

What are they?
I've just received a letter
from my cousin, Captain Melbeck.

Yes, he is a splendid chap.
He wants someone to manage his estate.
I thought I'd take the job.

I'm glad you approve.
Yes, we must. We'll get together soon.
I'll leave it up to Lina, shall I?

All right. Goodbye, sir.
That was a fib about Captain Melbeck,
wasrt it?

Was it?
- Did you have this letter all the time?
- I did.

Why didn't you tell me?
Because, dear,
I never dreamed I'd be using it...

any more than I ever dreamed we'd be
receiving these two beautiful chairs.

Hello. It's a nice place
old Johnnie's got here.

It's an old Georgian house, isn't it?
I bet it cost him a packet to redecorate.

- Who are you?
- I'm Beaky Thwaite.

- You must be old Johnnie's wife.
- Yes, I am.

Didrt he ever tell you about me?
You're Beaky.
That's what they used to call me at school.
I happened to be driving by.
I thought I'd pop in for a cup of tea.

I've heard so much about you,
Mr. Thwaite.
