The Maltese Falcon

Is there, as the newspapers imply...
...a certain relationship between
that unfortunate happening and...

...the death a little later
of the man Thursby?

I beg your pardon. No.
More than idle curiosity prompted
my question.

See, Mr. Spade, I'm trying to recover...
:23:21 ornament that, shall we say,
has been mislaid.

I thought and hoped you could assist me.
The ornament is a statuette...
...a black figure of a bird.
I am prepared to pay, on behalf of...
...the figure's rightful owner,
the sum of $5,000 for its recovery.

I am prepared to promise that,
what is the phrase...

..."No questions will be asked."
$5,000 is a lot of money.
Yes, Effie?
No, that'll be all. Just be sure
to lock the door on your way out.

Good night.
$5,000 is--
You will clasp your hands together
at the back of your neck.

I intend to search your offices, Mr. Spade.
I warn you, if you attempt to prevent me,
I shall certainly shoot you.

Go ahead and search.
Please come to the center of the room.
I have to make certain
that you are not armed.
