The Maltese Falcon

Look what you did to my shirt!
But imagine my embarrassment
at discovering that $5,000 offer...

...was just hooey.
Mr. Spade, my offer is genuine.
I am prepared to pay $5,000
for the figure's return.

-You have it?

If it isn't here...
...why did you risk serious injury
to prevent my searching?

Why should I sit here
and let people come in and stick me up?

Certainly it is only natural
that I try to save the owner...

...such a considerable expense if possible.
Who is he?
Mr. Spade, you'll forgive
my not answering that question.

I think we'd be better off all around
if we'd put our cards on the table.

No, I do not think it would be better.
You see, if you know more than I do,
then I shall profit by your knowledge.

So will you, to the extent of $5,000.
There's nothing like $5,000 here.
You want some assurance of my sincerity?
-A retainer? Would that do?
-It might.

You will take, say, $100?
No. I will take, say, $200.
Your first guess was that I had the bird.
There's nothing to that.

What's your second guess?
That you know where it is, or at least
you know it is where you can get it.

You're not hiring me to do murders
or burglaries...

...but simply to get it back if possible,
in an honest, lawful way?

If possible. But...
