The Maltese Falcon

Well, you've had your talk with Cairo.
Now you can talk to me.
Yes, of course.
I'm listening.
I'm still listening.
-Look at the time! I must be going.
-No. Not till you've told me all about it.

Am I a prisoner?
Maybe the boy outside
hasn't gone home yet.

Do you suppose he's still there?
You can start now.
You are the most insistent person.
And wild and unpredictable, huh?
Say, what's this bird, this falcon,
that everybody's all steamed up about?

Supposing I wouldn't tell you anything
about it?

Would you do something
wild and unpredictable?

I might.
It's a black figure, as you know,
smooth and shiny...

...of a bird, a hawk or falcon,
about that high.

-What makes it so important?
-I don't know. They wouldn't tell me.

They offered me £500 if I'd help get it away
from the man who had it.

That was in lstanbul?
Go ahead.
But that's all.
They promised me £500
if I'd help them, and I did.

Then we found out that Joel Cairo intended
to desert us...

...taking the falcon with him
and leaving Floyd and me nothing...

:41:23 we did exactly that to him.
But, I wasn't any better off than before.
Floyd had no intention
of keeping his promise...

...about sharing equally.
I'd learned that when we got here.

What's the bird made of?
Porcelain or black stone. I don't know.
I only saw it once for a few minutes.

Floyd showed it to me
when we first got hold of it.

You are a liar!
I am.
I've always been a liar.
Don't brag about it.
Was there any truth at all in that yarn?
Not very much.
