Mrs. Miniver

...persuade Mr. Ballard to withdraw
his rose from the competition.

To be frank, it's such a beautiful rose
it might easily win, and, well...

Miss Beldon...
...may I ask whether
this is an open competition?

- Yes, technically...
- Technically, yes, but actually, no.

- Yes, I suppose that's it. You see...
- I see only too well, Miss Beldon.

Because Mr. Ballard
is not of the ruling class...

:22:25 a mere vassal, as it were...
- Vin, please. Let Miss Beldon explain.

But, Mother, Miss Beldon
doesn't have to explain, not to me.

I'm aware of the influence
of the feudal system in this village.

These are orders from the manor.
Her ladyship must have no competition.

You must excuse my son.
He's just down from Oxford.

Don't apologize for me.
I mean everything I say.

Well, I'm glad to hear it,
but do you do anything about it?

Do? Why, what do you mean?
If you feel something is wrong,
what are you doing about it?

I've spent holidays the last few years
doing settlement work in London slums.

- You wallow in luxury all the year...
- I don't wallow!

...and think a few weeks playing
Lady Bountiful...

- Come, Vin.
- It's not much, perhaps...

...but it's the only thing I know.
- What have you been doing?
- I?

- Well...
- I see. Just talk.

- That's all right. It's easier.
- Listen, I didn't say...

Oh, don't apologize.
I know how comfortable it is to curl up
with a book full of big words...

...and think you're going to solve
the problems of the universe.

But you're not.
A bit of action is required now and then.

Action? If that's what you
and your class are asking for...

...maybe you'll get it one of these days.
- Maybe. But not from the talkers.

Vin! Remember, Miss Beldon is a guest.
If you have any manners at all...

Manners? A humble working man
is denied the reward of his artistry...

:23:49 gratify the vanity of an aristocrat...
- Quiet. This isn't your concern.

I beg to differ. I'm concerned
for a fellow man's dignity.

And the indignity
that's heaped upon him.

- You'll excuse me, I'm sure, Miss Beldon.
- Certainly.
