Mrs. Miniver

Do you have any conception...?
Can't we arrange to meet again
sometime soon?

Tomorrow I'm leaving for Scotland.
- For long?
- Until the middle of September.

- We always go, every year.
- But that's months.

- May I write to you?
- Yes, Vin.

This has been a wonderful evening,
hasn't it?

Yes, Vin.
It's been a wonderful evening,
hasn't it?

- Have I said that before?
- It's been a wonderful evening.

- For you too?
- For me too, Vin.

Well, looks as though we've had
all that quarreling for nothing.

Don't look as if there'll be
a flower show after all.

What makes you say that?
Her ladyship's talking of postponing
the show on account of conditions.

Very right and proper.
They've marched into Poland,
haven't they?

That means war, if you ask me.
And if war comes...
:31:46's "Goodbye, roses."
- Don't talk silly.

You might as well say,
"Goodbye, England."

There will always be roses.
