Mrs. Miniver

And that laundry.
Lost another of me best aprons.

- But we've always got the navy.
- That's right, Ada.

Oh, come on, now.
Cheer up, Gladys.

Horace won't be anywhere
near the frontline.

Oh, yes, he will.
He's one to push himself forward.

He says, "You let me get me hands
on Hitler. I'll give him sweatsticker."

Give him what?
Sweatsticker. You know, sir,
the sign they have on their flags.

Well, that's the proper spirit, Gladys.
He's got too much spirit.
He gives way to it.

I beg pardon, but would you tell Gladys
Horace has got to catch his train...

...and could he come in a minute
and say goodbye?

- Oh, of course he can.
- Come in, Horace.

Thank you, sir.
Morning, everybody.

Good morning, Horace.
- Will you have a sherry?
- Don't mind if I do.

- And jolly good luck to you, Horace.
- Yes, indeed.

- Jolly good luck, Horace.
- Thanks, Master Toby.

To your very good health.
My best respects, ma'am.

The children are going to miss you
terribly. And poor Gladys.

Oh, she'll be all right,
won't you, Glad?

Here, here.
That's not the way to behave.

How do you expect me to behave
when you go off and get killed?

Well, cheer up. I ain't killed yet.
Here, have a drop of this.
- You don't mind, sir?
- Oh, certainly not.

There. That's better.
Have one for yourself now.
You'll want Gladys to see you
to the station, won't you?

Go get your hat.
Very nice drop of stuff, this.
Last I shall get for a bit, I expect.

Make a lot of difference
to a lot of people, this war will.
