Mrs. Miniver

I don't really know you
very well, do I?

We could do something about that.
We could see a lot of each other.

Every day while I'm around.
- Would that be all right?
- Why, yes. Why not?

- Gosh, I'm glad to see you again.
- I'm glad too, Vin.

I say, is it an awful nerve?
Well, I mean, we have
a sort of agreement, haven't we?

- Would it be going too far?
- It's all right, Vin.

I heard voices.
May I ask whom you're entertaining?

This is Vincent Miniver.
My grandmother.

- How do you do, Lady Beldon?
- Miniver?

Miniver. I know that name.
A rose with that name
has been entered in the show.

The Miniver rose.
That's something new.
The Marshall Neil,
the flower called Drushke...

...the Duchess of Argyle
and now the Mrs. Miniver.

Please, Granny.
A tramp rose grown
in a station yard.

It's nothing to do with Vin.
Then what's he doing here,
if one may ask?

- I came to offer my services.
- I see.

You're in league with
wretched Foley.

- Oh, no, Lady Beldon.
- Oh, Granny.

Never heard such rot.
We can take care of ourselves.
We have for the last 800 years.

- But...
- We don't take orders, we give them.

Worst thing about this war
is the chance...

:43:30 gives little persons
to become important.

Air raids, indeed.
Those wretched Germans.
They wouldn't dare...

- What should we do?
- Do? Nothing.

- It's Foley giving a false alarm.
- You can't take that attitude.

I beg your pardon, young man!
You must take precautions.
Ring for the butler and gather
the servants in the cellar.
