Reap the Wild Wind

- It's port, ya shellback.
- That's larboard to me.

When I say it's port,
it's port!

- You the mate of the whaler Tyfib?
- That's right.

- Still need men?
- Yeah.

They're scarcer
than feathers on a frog.

- How long you going for?
- That's up to the whales.

- About three years.
- Shut up.

- I'll sell ya a couple of men.
- What's the matter with 'em?

One's an able seaman. The other
will do any legal work you might have.

Legal work?
You mean, like boilin' blubber?

- When do I get 'em?
- Tonight. Widgeon'll tell you where.

- How much?
- Twelve dollars a head.

We'll pay
when we pick 'em up.

Hope they both got arms.
- Legal work!
- Shut up!

Widgeon, you and the Lamb find out
where Tolliver puts up.

Take four horn-fisted galley growlers,
and pay him a little visit.

That Charleston lawyer's
the most dangerous man
they've ever sent down here.

But the Lamb will know
how to tame him.

I wish your mama had-a sent
for you before I got all your
clothes unpacked, Miss Drusilla.

Maum Maria, what are
the voodoo drums beating for tonight?

Long about dusk,
I seed somethin'.

- Couldn't be in this world,
nor the next.
- Oh, fiddlesticks!

'Tweren't no fiddlesticks!
It was shaped like Miss Drusilla,

and it was traipsin' along
the edge of the jungle with a demon!

Only the demon make hisself
look like Dan Cutler.

but that's ridiculous.

Oh, 'course, Miss Drusilla.
The drums do that.

Drusilla, look me
in the eyes.

Oh, Loxi, I wish I didn't have
to go back to Havana tomorrow.

Are you meeting
Dan Cutler on the sly?

Are you?
Oh, Drusilla, honey, he's...

You love Jack,
and you ran away to marry him.
