Reap the Wild Wind

Don't get your mule streak up.
Cutler's selling Steve to a whaler.

What do you care
what happens to him?

Oh, you ninny!
This is no time to be jealous.

- But I brought along...
- But there's no time now!
Will you go or not?

Sure, I'll go.
No, Jack, I don't trust you.
I'm going with you.

I don't care what he's done. He doesn't
deserve what Cutler'll do to him.

Sorry, Parson.
I want a church wedding anyway.

Shh. Someone's
movin' out to it now.

Feller come now.
Muffle the rest
of them tholes.

Yes, sir, this here old
soup ladle belongs to me.

I hired it out to a feller
to fish for sponges.

What in tarnation
can a man do with a sponge?

- Ya can't eat it.
- No, they haven't much flavor.

- What happened to the man?
- Went broke, of course.

- [Footsteps]
- What's that?

- Maybe sea gulls.
- If they're sea gulls,
they're wearin' boots.

Take that side.
Chinkapin, cover the light!

Here, take this.
- [Loxi] Cap'n Phil! Steve!
- That's Loxi.

- Cap'n Phil, I've been havin'
conniptions about you.
- You shouldn't've come!

No? Of course,
it's no concern of mine,

but Cutler's got you booked for
a three years' cruise aboard a whaler.

My, this old tub sure needs
a brush of paint, Cap'n Phil.

- You mean a shanghai?
- So she says.

Got so a man ain't safe
in his own grave.

- What sort of a fool are you
bringing her down here?
- I'm under my own orders.

Nobody but an iron-headed sap would make
her witness to a shanghai attempt.

- I'll have just about time
to jam that down your throat.
- No time for fighting!

- Look at that dog.
- [Dog Growling]
