
Right, you get another one.
So I see these two kids.
And I yell at them,
the sprinklers are busted.

The whole shooting match will go up.
And they run right in, the both of them.
And the last thing I saw
when I looked back

was one kid give the extinguisher
to the other kid,

and then it was just like
all hell comes up.

That's all I see.
Was there anybody else around?
No. Just the two kids.
The poor kid with the extinguisher,
and the one who give it to him.

Thank you, Rogers.
We appreciate all you've done.

We needn't keep you any longer now.
You'd better go
and take care of those hands.

Who've you got next?
- There's a fellow Barry Kane waiting.
- Send Barry Kane in!

Barry Kane!
Alright. Just take it easy.
We only want to ask you
a couple of questions.

A routine check-up.
Well, I want to do
anything I can to help.

Now, suppose you tell us
where you were when the fire started.

Well, I was one of the first to rush in.
The sprinkler systems weren't working.
(lnvestigator) Who else was with you?
There was just myself,
a fellow named Fry,

and my friend... Ken Mason.
(lnvestigator) Go on.
Fry handed me the extinguisher
and I started running toward the fire.

I gave it to Ken.
(Inhales) And then he -
OK. Take it easy. That's all.
Just stick around for a while.

Send for Fry.
Get hold of a fellow called Fry.
What'd they do,
ask you a lot of questions?

No. Hardly any.
Gee, it's awful tough going,
seeing it happen in front of you.
