
"Calling all highway patrolmen."
"Calling all highway patrolmen."

How do you do?
Is... uh... Mr Frank Fry here?

No, this is Mr Tobin's ranch.
Oh. Uh... Could I speak to Mr Tobin?
Well, I'll see. Just a minute.
You wait here, please.
There. We've got the ball.
- Throw it to me.
- A young man to see you, sir.

Throw it to me. Where is Daddy's girl?
(Laughs) What did you say, Adele?
- Who wants to see me?
- A young man, sir.

- He came to ask for a Mr Fry.
- Oh.

Well. Have him come out here, will you?
- Yes, sir.
- Throw me the ball.

Here comes your granddaddy.
Mr Tobin will see you.
Follow me, please.

(Child Chattering.
Tobin Fussing lndistinctly)

How do you do? I'm Charles Tobin.
This is my daughter, Mrs Brown.
Well, I'm not gonna ask you
to excuse the informality.

We're all informal out here
at Deep Springs Ranch.

- That's one of the rules.
- I see.

- (Chattering)
- Want me to take Suzy?

No, Suzy isn't gonna disturb us at all.
Just let her play right here.
I'll see she doesn't fall in the pool.
