
I've gotta get out
of this part of the country!

The ground's burning up under my feet!
I've gotta get back East!
It's more crowded
and a guy doesn't stand out.

Take it easy. Hang onto your nerve.
I've been hanging on long enough!
l understand your difficulties,
but in this business

we always have to make sure.
I think I know him now.
I'm driving back East.
You'd better come with me.

Alright, let's get going.
Get all the things together.
After we leave,
I want this place cleaned up.

We won't be coming back here.
Why not?
I'm making sure.
You'll have to find another place
to store this stuff.

It's not gonna be easy.
If you can't handle it,
I'll get someone else.

Alright. I'll handle it.
- You'll need some clothes.
- Size 42.

What'll we do about these?
- How did you manage to break them?
- On an automobile fan.

Very bright of you.
I think we can even take care of that,
but let's get started now.

(Door Bangs)
Did you hear something?

- Where does that lead to?
- Just another room.

Wait up.
We figure that Kane and the other
fellows are heading for New York.

If there's anything I can do.
We sure appreciate that.
Why, anyone would have
done the same thing.

This war sure makes a difference.
Everybody wants to get in and pitch.

Now, if you'll give me
your address in New York,

we can contact you back there.
Or maybe you could wire me
which plane you're taking.

We may want to get a hold of you fast.
I can do that
when I get back to my uncle.

OK, Miss Martin. Keep in touch.
I'm glad we came this way.
It adds a few miles,
