
as my first reasonably important film.
I had done
a couple of things before that.

One was Wolf Man,
which became a kind of
a cult movie in itself.

And Hitchcock,
when he started Saboteur,

wanted to have
somebody who could do

the continuity drawings,
the storyboards.

And I was there,
so I was introduced to Hitchcock,

and we seemed to hit it off
on the first go-round.

And much to my surprise,
l suddenly found myself

working as the chief designer
for Alfred Hitchcock.

The idea was frightening, of course,
as this was going to be a big picture.

lt was Hitchcock's first picture
at Universal.

lt was an odd film, because it had to
do with the beginning of World War ll.

My first meeting with Hitchcock
was here at Universal on a Sunday.
We were working out some sequences,
and he was making his little drawings.
Late morning, the door burst open and
a man came in with
one of these blocked hats.

You know, the hard hats.
And he said,
'What are you doing here?''

He said, "Haven't you heard?
The Japs just bombed Pearl Harbor."

That was my beginning of Saboteur.
At the time war broke out,
I can remember that distinctly,
September 3rd,

and my father going to the phone
to call his mother in England.

And the operator saying, "l'm sorry,
no more calls . That country is at war."

And he was just devastated.
My father was actually
very roundly criticised,

He and David Niven
and other English people,
